This blog is to share the journey on our wedding preparations and plans with family and friends, and for those interested passer-bys. ;)
It will also serve as a memory keep safe for years down the road when we look back and reminisce the 18 months of preparation, all for that one special day in our lives that we are the Stars (the Prince and Princess) for the day. :)
We met at Monash University in Gippsland, Victoria in 2004 when Chaboh Len and I volunteered for Orientation week. Yong, not surprisingly was one of the new students whom we met.
Being a "banana" (a chinese who couldn't speak much mandarin but english), he didn't really mixed much with the new students and instead hunged out with us.
First Met: | 12 Jul 2004 |
Went Official: | 06 Dec 2004 |
Got Engaged on: | 23 Mar 2010 |
Getting married: | 21 Oct 2011 |
It wasn't all a smooth journey to come to this day though, we had to sort out our past relationship, went through many ups and downs, including the acceptance of the "future-in-laws", but that's another story for another day. ;)
As we are both working and residing in Melbourne now, our actual wedding will take place in Melbourne, Australia. And there will be two more celebration dinners and tea ceremonies back in Singapore and Malaysia since Yong and I are both originally from those two countries respectively.
Please have a happy read and feel free to share your thoughts and ideas if you'd like!
Lots of love, Yong and Mel.